About us

LTQ-Rakennus Oy is your responsible and experienced trusted partner. We are committed to the quality of our work, the well-being of our staff, and the responsible development of our operations.

LTQ-Rakennus Oy was founded in 2019, but its history dates back to 2004. The logistics and construction site services of LTQ-Rakennus Oy, which was created through a partial demerger, were previously part of LTQ-Partners Oy, a trusted partner for customers in the Helsinki metropolitan area since 2004.

In 2022, LTQ-Rakennus Oy got new leadership when CEO Liisa Laakkonen retired. At that time, Arttu Korhonen took over as CEO, and Sami Alanen became the Chairman of the Board. Both have several years of experience in leadership roles within the construction industry.


  • We inspire our people to grow
  • We work with vision
  • We build sustainable partnerships

The pillars of our operations are a skilled and well-being workforce, high-quality workmanship, and the responsible development of our activities. We aim to be the best service provider in the market for our customers. We continuously develop our services according to our customers’ wishes and needs, taking environmental considerations into account.


From the very beginning, responsibility has been an important value for us from ecological, social, and economic perspectives. It is important for us to invest in our staff, steer our services towards greater environmental friendliness, and create vibrant and sustainable business practices.

LTQ-Rakennus continuously improves its operations. We regularly measure how well our quality promises are fulfilled in our service production through customer and employee satisfaction surveys and internal audits. We develop our operations to better meet our customers’ evolving needs and wishes.


Contact for us

We will be happy to answer your questions regarding our service.